Ari skin commissions
Status: closed
They/them | April 13 (25yo) | Portugal | About me and my socials: websiteClick the links above to know more and request a Genshin skin commission. By that, I mean 2D drawings of characters (from the game Genshin Impact or not) in the style of that game, specifically how they look in the character menu. You can see over 200 examples here.
You can also commission 3D skins.If you are looking for my free assets and tutorials to draw your own skins and arts, the links are: genshin skins bases. You don't have to credit/tag me, but it's appreciated. You can also support me on Patreon.
Types of commissions + prices
This is a list of what kind of commissions I offer, all in the style of Genshin skins, that you can check in the link in the main page. Some notes:
1) At least for now, I’m only drawing characters’ front view.
2) I’m considering in the future, though not yet, to draw skins painted over screenshots in the world.
3) I’m not writing/editing windows with stats, outfit descriptions, nor anything that you can see in the character menu in-game. I’m just drawing skins.
4) The skins come in a 1860x1860 size (in pixels) for short characters, and 2030x2030 for tall characters.
5) All skins come in 2 versions, one with background and one without. You can pick the color/element of the background.Type 1 – Original Character / Characters from other stories – 60 USD
Both OCs and any character that is not a character from the game have an increase in price because I will have to come up with not only their clothes, but also their hair, face/eyes, etc...You will have to provide me references for what you want me to depict – just keep in mind that, as I say in the form, I will not adapt stolen/uncredited art. Even for photos of outfits, I would prefer if you know who the creator/brand is, but I get it, it’s hard to find who is the creator behind many outfits on pinterest…Type 2 – Rendering/fixes of a skin of yours – 40 USD
Let’s say you know how to draw, and you have drawn an outfit over a game character or even your OC entirely, but you don’t know how to make it look like an official skin. I don’t mind “just” doing the rendering.That said, it’s not much cheaper than the above category because the rendering is the part that takes longer, and by a lot – besides, if your drawing is in a different size/quality than my usual skins, it will take me a long time to fix that too. Each character png from the wiki whose quality I fixed took me around 6 hours, and their rendering was already done, so I hope you understand.I would love to also open commissions for skins of existing characters, but according to Hoyo've guidelines »link«, it's prohibited to sell even modified versions of official source material. And screenshots of the characters fall under that, so that type of work is limited to the things I post on my page for free.Do's and Dont's
List of what I accept and can draw, and the things I won't draw either because I don't want or don't know how to.If any of my decisions makes you doubt my ethical or political stances and you don’t want to request skins from me if some of my ideas on issues you consider important differ from yours, feel free to check some my opinions in my »main carrd«. I don’t want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable either – just don’t bother sending me hate on social media because that will result in instant block. That said, I am open to civilized discussions and questions on why I think a certain way.I will draw:
Humanoid creatures. If you count characters like Gorou as furries, well sure, I draw furries too.
Ship art – for example, skins with matching clothes or outfit swaps – for any ship except if it involves children characters (Klee, Qiqi, Diona…)
Any social issue / political / religious themed skins, except for Nazi symbolism and others I consider hateful
Genderbending (including trans headcanons)
Adaptation of fanart outfits, as long as it’s credited
Accessibility tools, even prosthesis with fantasy-themed or steampunk aesthetics
Light Gore, “dark version” or corruption-themed skins
Sexy outfits
Outfits that wouldn’t fit the theme of the game or that would break the immersion
Complex and fantasy armors
I won't draw:
Furries/ anthropormophic, unless characters like Gorou count. Those I do.
Hateful art
Fetiches. Sorry, it’s nothing against kinks, but no
Sexualized children. That said, no I don't think showing shoulders is sexualizing them xD
Sexual content and heavy nsfw stuff
Heavy Gore
Terms of service
This is the page with my terms for my Genshin skin commissions.Steps:
1) Read what types of commissions I take, in the tab "Types/prices"
2) Read the full terms here
3) Fill the "Form" in the last tab, and send it to the contact. All fields are explained in the form itself.
If I take too long to reply, feel free to drop a message on any of my socials.
You can place multiple orders, just fill the form several times and send an email for each order. After you send the form, I will contact you by email.I will never proceed without your final confirmation. And you shouldn’t transfer any money to me before I accept the commission either – only when I request the first half of the payment.Feel free to add notes in the observations, and I will address them in my follow-up email. If there is anything you would wish to discuss or negotiate, we can do that before either of us decides to proceed. Don’t worry, I will keep in close contact and clarify anything that either of us has doubts about.The Confirmation Email will specify the final price we agreed upon through our exchanges, imply an agreement on my part, and imply that you confirmed that:
• You are sure you want to go ahead with your order and I can start drawing as soon as you pay 50% upfront
• You have read and agreed with the Terms of ServiceI have the right to reject any order, for any reason (of course, before payment). I will notify you in that case, and disclose the reason if relevant.2. PAYMENT
Payment methods: Paypal. The email is the same as the one to where you send the form.The payment can be 50% upfront and 50% when I’m done, or 100% upfront (your choice).Don't send me any payment before I have agreed to give you a slot and requested you to send it.Prices are subject to change based on demand. If many people are requesting commissions and you want yours to take priority, you may have to pay more.
Otherwise, the order of delivery will be the order of the request - who asked first gets it first. That said, most of the time I am available to work on several comms.3. REFUND / CANCELLATION POLICY
If you paid the first half and desire to cancel your order after we decided on proceeding, send me an email.If for any reason I am unable to start your commission, you will receive a full refund.If you cancel your order before I started it, you will get a full refund.If it’s in a more advanced stage (I will show it to you as proof), you may get a percentage of the refund depending on the amount of work/version I had to do to get to the point when the order is canceled. I won’t draw any further and, of course, you won’t have to pay the second half.If you are getting a refund, do not request a Paypal chargeback. I will transfer the money back to you myself.If you request a Paypal chargeback at any point when you were not allowed to ask for a refund, I will decline the chargeback and supply Paypal with our conversations in which we talk about the commission as evidence that I have completed work for you.I will notify you when I have started on your commission and you, therefore, lose the rights to a full refund.4. PROCESS AND DELIVERY
While I'm working on your commission, I will make reviews with you to make sure I deliver a satisfactory result.The amount of reviews depends on the complexity of the work, but I always send at least a first draft with only basic shapes and colors, so that you can give feedback on that before I render.During the reviews, you will see work-in-progress and these images might be smaller than the finished piece.The time it takes to finish your commission varies between half a week to 2 months, depending on factors such as my health, the complexity of the commissioned piece, how my full-time job schedule is (I’m a programmer, so it really varies), and how many commissions I'm taking for the same interval of time. But I will always give you an estimation when I reply to your submission.If anything comes up that will slow the progress of the initially estimated delivery time, I will let you know as soon as I can, so that we can negotiate.Once the piece is finished, you will receive the full-resolution image. Notice that there is no physical product.What do you get from the commission?
In other words, in what state you will receive your artwork:
• Drafts/mockups/sketches of the work in progress. You can keep the WIPs along with the final piece.
• Full-resolution file of the final drawing, in PNG format. The size in pixels comes in 1860x1860 for short characters, and 2030x2030 for tall characters.
• The final drawing comes in 2 versions: one with background and one without.5. REVISIONS/CHANGES
You get about 3 rounds of changes on the commissioned piece while I'm still working on it. By changes, I mean one of these things:
• In your feedback you agreed to something, and changed your mind later. If I haven't already made progress based on your approval, I won't require any extra fee. If I have already made progress and will therefore have to undo it, I might require an extra fee based on how big the change - unless it was a mistake on my part.
• You change the original order radically, at the beginning/initial version of the commission. The price will be adjusted to the new request.Minor late changes are not a problem and I won't price more for them. But I reserve the right to determine what counts as that.6. COPYRIGHT / USAGE POLICY
I, Anilyan (the artist), reserve the full rights to the image and its use/distribution – not the buyer. Therefore I am allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to:
• Display it everywhere to my liking, like on my website and social media
• Promote myself with it everywhere. I can mention/tag you if you wish (I will ask before posting).
• Publish books with it, like artbooks. I might record the drawing process and post it too.I, the artist, will never claim ownership over things that are not mine, and I will explicitly credit the things here mentioned:
• If the skin depicts an OC, I will always credit the creator of that OC (be it the buyer or not).
• If the skin depicts a character from another story, I will always mention the character's name and the story it belongs to.
• Outfits fully adapted from photos will be referenced as such in the image description, with credits if I know who created the outfit/who is wearing them.
• Outfits/skins adapted from someone’s art will always be credited in the description and in the art itself, and the artist tagged, if they have an account in the platform I’m posting the skin in.The buyer is allowed to:
• Use the commissioned piece for personal use unless agreed otherwise (you can upload it on all your social media profiles, forums, etc.), as long as you credit the artist. If the size/crop hides the signature and my socials from the art, please include those credits somewhere else on the page.
• Print the artwork
• Claim an OC (original character) or other contributions of yours as such, but not the artwork itself.
• Use the artwork on a Youtube channel and in monetized videos, as long as the artwork itself is not the main subject for the earnings and you credit me for the art.
• Change the artwork, if 1) the changes are not posted anywhere; 2) the artist agrees to you posting the changes, with a list discriminating what belongs to the artist and what is changed by the buyer/someone else in the post description.The following is considered copyright infringement:
• Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially – that is, making money off it in any way – unless specifically authorized by the artist.
• Claiming the artwork as your own.
• Posting the artwork on social media without the proper credits to the artist.
• Removing my signature from the artwork.
• Posting a changed version of the artwork without my consent.
• Claiming the entire artwork as your own if we agree that you can change/edit it - you may only claim what you really did.7. CONCLUSION TERMS
If the buyer breaks any of the points stated above, they will lose all the beforementioned rights to the artwork commissioned by me, Anilyan (the artist), and I will have the right to profit further from the commissioned artwork in any way I see fit. Furthermore, you will be blacklisted from commissioning me again. I may open an exception in case the violation of the terms was accidental and non-consequencial to me.
Please read all previous sections in the tabs at the top.This is the form you have to fill to commission me. Just copy and paste it along with your answers, and send it to the following email:
[email protected]I will reply to your email regarding the submission as soon as I can, and I will start the commission only when we both agree to it, through email.Send multiple emails with a form each if you wish for multiple commissions.
All fields are mandatory unless said otherwise.FORM FIELDS
» Your Paypal name/email:
» Other contact/socials (optional):
***» Commission type: ***see this page for types. Notice that the price varies with the type.
***» Deadline: ***You can say “open to negotiation” if you don’t know and want to be considerate of how long I need to draw it comfortably. Complex clothes tend to take me at least 10 hours, and changes in hair/face/etc are extra time, and I have a full time job. In any case, you can always specify and I will tell you in the reply if your deadline is too tight or not – we can negotiate from there.
» Character specification: The name of the character, from Genshin or not. If it’s an OC, you can just say that.
Background (optional): By default, I use the background you see in skins like this, in the color you want. If you wish, you can provide me a different background. You will also always receive a png/no background version as well.
» Body type / model: If male or female (feel free to request me to try to make something more androgynous, but that won't look so much like the models we have); And if tall, medium or child/klee-like
» References (attach them as files):
If you want to me adapt someone’s art in the skin, I will refuse to draw it unless you provide the link to the original artwork – I will not adapt uncredited art.
For OC’s:
• If you want me to make the skin of an OC, I won’t create that OC for you – I will just adapt them from references. Since my skins only show the front of the character, I just need a reference for the front view. It doesn’t have to be very well drawn – as long as I can understand it, that’s enough.
• If you can’t provide me a picture, you can send me separate pictures of hairstyle and clothes for me to adapt, and describe how you want your OC. I will let you know in the answer if that’s enough for me to draw it, and if it isn’t, I will probably ask for more information and references.For characters from other stories: If it’s neither a Genshin character nor an OC, I will mostly treat it as an OC, meaning I need the same kind of reference. The main difference is that I need an extra reference – pictures of the character. It’s better if it’s already an anime character.For fanarts of Genshin characters: I just need a picture of the different hairstyle and clothing you want to see them in.» Observations: Anything extra you wish to tell me